Rome Foundation Research Program

The Rome Foundation has a 15-year history of sponsoring research and recognizing outstanding publications on the functional gastrointestinal disorders. The goals of the research program have been three-fold: (1) to test the validity of the diagnostic criteria so that revisions to the criteria can be empirically based; (2) to increase knowledge of the prevalence and epidemiology of the FGIDs, especially in non-Western countries, in order to provide new insights into pathophysiology; and (3) to interest young investigators in research and clinical practice in the area of functional gastrointestinal (FGIDs) and motility disorders.

AGA Research Foundation - Rome Foundation Functional GI
and Motility Disorders Pilot Research Award

This new award, jointly sponsored by the Rome Foundation and AGA Research Foundation, is being offered to early stage and established investigators to support pilot research projects pertaining to functional GI and motility disorders.

Application Deadline: January 15, 2016
Amount: $50,000
Duration: One year

In 2015, the award was given to the following recipients:

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Rome Foundation Research Award

The Rome Foundation established a Research Committee in January 2007, which is currently chaired by William Whitehead and Uday Ghoshal. This committee was charged with (1) developing guidelines for an annual research award program, (2) overseeing the process of soliciting applications and reviewing them, and (3) monitoring progress of grants awarded through semiannual reports from awardees. The guidelines (approved May 2007) specify that one or more awards of up to $50,000 will be given annually. The award may not be used for indirect costs. Applications will be reviewed by an independent review panel and Rome Foundation Board members are not eligible to apply.

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This year the Rome Foundation will offer two grant awards, each in the amount of USD$50,000.

Applications may address any aspect of functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders from basic or translational science to diagnosis, treatment, health care delivery, epidemiology, or validation of the Rome diagnostic criteria. Applications for basic and translational research should describe the relevance of the research to the diagnosis and management of functional GI and motility disorders. Proposals will be evaluated based on novelty and scientific merit.

For more information, click here.

Ray Clouse Award for Best Research Publication on Functional
Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders

The Rome Foundation established a $1000 prize for the Best Published Research Article in Functional GI and Motility Disorders Award in memory of Ray E. Clouse, MD, a gastroenterologist and scholar at Washington University School of Medicine and a devoted member of the Rome Foundation. Dr. Clouse was a pioneer in the use of antidepressants to treat functional gastrointestinal disorders.

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Ken Heaton Award for Most Cited Paper

(formerly known as Ray Clouse Award for Most Paper Cited)

The Rome Foundation also offers a $1000 prize for the most frequently cited research paper on functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders. This award is named in honor of the late Kenneth Heaton for his ground-breaking contributions to the development of positive diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome (the Manning Criteria) and the pathophysiology of constipation (the Bristol Stool Scale). Dr. Heaton (1936 - 2013) was a Consultant Physician at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, and Reader in medicine at the University of Bristol. The Rome Foundation Board of Directors selects this paper based on the Science Citation Index and the winner is announced at Digestive Disease Week.

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(Not currently accepting applications in these categories)

Rome Foundation Fellowship in Functional GI and Motility Disorders

This award is not currently being offered. Previous winners include:

2010 Rome Foundation Fellows

Aldona Dlugosz, MD
Carlos Hernandez, MD
Emily Tucker, MD, BMedSCi, BMBS, MRCP

2009 Rome Foundation Fellows

Aldona Dlugosz, MD
Punit Jhaveri, MD
Emidio Scarpellini, MD

Cross-Cultural Research Awards on Rome II and Rome III in Latin America

The Rome Foundation has provided funding for cross-cultural epidemiologic and validation studies. These studies have involved translation and validation of the Rome II and Rome III questionnaires and will provide the first population-based data of a range of gastrointestinal diseases, with a focus on IBS and FGIDs. This will further advance research and teaching collaborations in many areas and will generate a broad portfolio of research which will benefit the region.

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Development and Validation of Rome III Questionnaire

A major change in Rome III was the development of a diagnostic questionnaire which asked subjects to report on the frequency of occurrence of symptoms on an ordinal scale rather than responding only whether the symptom occurred at least 25% of the time on a binary Yes/No scale. The Rome Foundation board commissioned a multi-site study to develop and validate this questionnaire ($58,978).

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Initial Series of Validation Study Awards

In 1998, the Rome Foundation Board decided to support research studies on the validation of the Rome I criteria in order to provide a stronger empirical foundation for the revision of the Rome criteria that was anticipated. A Request for Application was published in 1998 and five awards of approximately $30,000 each were made in January 1999.

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For more information on the Rome Foundation Research Program, including Rome Foundation Research Grants, Rome Foundation Career Development Award, and the Ray Clouse Published Research Award, please contact:

Rome Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 6524
Raleigh, NC 27628
Phone: 919-537-9461
Fax: 919-900-7646