DDW 2006 Symposium to Launch Rome III

New Criteria for the Functional GI Disorders
Presented at DDW -- Tuesday May 23, 2006

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The Rome III Process and Classification
Douglas A. Drossman MD, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Functional Gastroduodenal Disorders: A Paradigm Change
Nicholas J. Talley MD PhD, Rochester, MN, USA

Functional Bowel Disorders: What's New?
Robin C. Spiller MD, Nottingham, UK

Functional GB and SO Disorders - Too Much or Too Little?
Enrico Corazziari MD, Rome, Italy

Validation of the Criteria & Development of a Questionnaire
William E. Whitehead PhD, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Generalizability of the Criteria for Clinicians
W Grant Thompson MD, Ottawa, Canada

New Developments in the Design of Treatment Trials
Michel Delvaux MD PhD, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France

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