Working Teams and Committees

Committees » International Liaison Committee

International Liaison Committee

The Rome Foundation formed an International Liaison Committee to expand our activities globally. The Rome Foundation will be represented by charter committee members Dan Dumitrascu, Chair (Romania), Enrico Corazziari (Italy), Carlos Francisconi (Brazil), Ke Meiyun (China), Shin Fukudo (Japan), Max Schmulson (Mexico), and Ami Sperber (Israel), to increase awareness through educational and scientific activities globally in the Eastern European, Middle Eastern, Asian-Pacific, and Latin American geographical regions.

The preliminary aims of the International Liaison Committee are to: a) set up a liaison association with regional organizations, b) advise the Rome Foundation on how to implement our global activities in these regions, c) be the liaisons for such activities in their respective regions d) assist in the global dissemination of Rome materials and activities and e) help the Rome Foundation identify key individuals who could work on Rome Committees. By working together, it is likely that this committee can come up with initiatives to support, advise and promote our global outreach effort.

Committee Composition:

Dan Dumitrascu

Dan L. Dumitrascu, MD, Chair
President Romanian Society of Neurogastroenterology
Professor of Medicine
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Carlos Francisconi

Carlos F. M. Francisconi, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
School of Medicine
Pontifical School of Medicine of Rio, Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brazil

Ke Meiyun

Ke Meiyun, MD
Professor of Medicine
Department of Gastroenterology
Peking Union Medical College Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Science

Max Schmulson

Max J. Schmulson W., MD
Professor of Medicine
Faculty de Medicine
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
México City, D.F., Mexico


Enrico Stefano Corazziari

Enrico Stefano Corazziari
Professor of Gastroenterology
Faculty of Medicine
University "La Sapienza"
Rome, Italy

Shin Fukudo

Shin Fukudo, MD, PhD
Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Professor & Director, Department of Behavioral Medicine
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan  

Carolina Olano, MD, M Ed.
Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology
Gastroenterology Clinic "Prof. Henry Cohen"
Universidad de la República
Montevideo, Uruguay

Ami Sperber

Ami D. Sperber, MD, MSPH
Professor of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
Ben-Gurion University
Negev, Israel